WYSAX - A School Management Software

Complete brand identity & communication design for a digital product.

Objective: Complete branding for a school management application – Web & Mobile.

Target Audience: Schools & Education Institutions

Naming Brief

A long form of a per-defined name – WYSAX – An abstract name with no actual meaning so we gave it one: “WYSAX – We’re Your School Admin Expert”

Output: Brand Name with a Meaning and a Tagline

Logo Brief

Design a Word mark Logo with a hint for the four main users of the application i.e. Student, Parent, Teacher & School Admin

With a visual depiction of four dots in four different shades we defined different shades with different users and applied the same theme across other communications.

Started with the word mark and used x to define the four main users of the application who complete the application.

Output: JPEG, PNG, FavIcon

Brochure Brief:

Placing on a Tabular frame it helped us to create a web app feel on the brochure.

Output File: PDF & PPT

Video Brief:

Similar to brochure we started with implementing the designs and then worked on the motion part. The videos were made in three different languages and three different formats. We followed our 7 Step standard procedure:

Step 1: Basic Idea Exploration; Sketch boarding

Step 2: Script Writing

Step 3: Voice over

Step 4: Design, Graphics

Step 5: Story boarding, Motion

Step 6: Adding Background and Music

Step 7: Adding Motion & Effects; Exporting Final output in High-Definition Format

Output File: AVI, MP4, HDV

Languages : French, Arabic, English